
3dxml to 3ds file converter
3dxml to 3ds file converter

3dxml to 3ds file converter

Upgrade or downgrade FBX, SKP, FBX & 3DM file version without changing its content.Support for material texture images in OBJ, 3DS, DAE, 3DM, FBX, 3MF, X3D, U3D, IDTF & SKP files.

3dxml to 3ds file converter

Save SketchUp SKP, FBX, Rhino 3DM & GLTF files in the given file version.Automatic mesh reconstruction from ASC, XYZ point cloud files.Support hierarchical STP model assemblies & SKP named groups and object components.Calculate mass, centroid, moments of inertia, radius of gyration and principal moments.Automatically fill up mesh holes to fix & heal 3D model geometry.Unify normals, invert facets, merge and split shells mesh editing commands.Convert triangulated polyhedral meshes into faceted BREP shapes (manifold solids).Export STEP, IGES, BREP, STL, OFF, OBJ, 3DS, IV, PLY, VRML, 3DM, DXF, DAE, ASC, SKP, FBX, 3MF, X3D, U3D, IDTF, SAT, X, M3D & GLTF files.Import STEP, IGES, BREP, 3DS, OFF, STL, OBJ, PLY, 3DM, DAE, VRML, IFC, DXF, FBX, 3MF, X3D, U3D, IDTF, SKP, X, M3D, GLTF, BLEND, LWO, LWS, AMF, TER, HMP, COB, 3D, AC, ASE, B3D, BVH, CSM, OGEX, RAW & XGL file formats.

3dxml to 3ds file converter

It supports many 3D file extensions including STL (Stereolithography), OFF (Object File Format), OBJ (Alias Wavefront Object), 3DS (3D-Studio File Format), IV (Inventor File), SAT (Standard ACIS Text), PLY (Stanford Polygon Format), VRML (Virtual Reality), 3DM (Rhinoceros 3D Model), SKP (Trimble SketchUp), DAE (Collada), STEP (STandardized Exchange of Product), IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification), COB (Caligari TrueSpace Object), XYZ (Point Cloud), IFC (The Industry Foundation Classes), FBX (Filmbox), 3MF (3D Manufacturing Format), X3D (Extensible 3D), U3D (Universal 3D), DXF (Drawing Exchange Format), X (DirectX 3D), GLTF (GL Transmission), BLEND (Blender 3D), LWO (LightWave Object), AMF (Additive Manufacturing), TER (Terragen Heightmap), ASE (Autodesk Scene Export) and RAW (POV-Ray Triangles). If a 3D XML file is already opened, it will be closed and the new 3D XML file will replace it. Note: There is no file open command in the 3D XML Player application.


Import, export and convert many 3D mesh and solid file formats including STL (stereolithography), SKP (Trimble SketchUp), OBJ (Wavefront), FBX (Filmbox), STEP (STandardized Exchange) and more.Īutoconverter allows you to import, export and convert between the most common 3D mesh and solid file formats as a native Windows executable. 3dxml file or drag the file and drop it in the 3D XML Player.

3dxml to 3ds file converter